Bitcoin: How to sign a message with privateKey on Bitcoin using TS/JS?

Here Is An Article ABOUTISE A Message With a Private bitco Bitcoin Bitcoin in Typescript.

Singing Messages With Privalate keys in Bitcoin*

in the Thsis Article, We Will S How You xw to Use We Willory S How to Link a Privatate key one With the “Btcaddre” and “Inftaddres” end the Points of Our Application.

s pet 1: create a privatate key * key

First, the Birst of All, You Need to Create a Private key From the SED PHRAS. YOU Do This By Lalinging the Falling Committee Following in Your Terminal:


BC -l private_ekym.


Replace ktoded_Prase_fiase_Pe·ase_path>to the Pathna Phna phile Fille.

semp 2: Imporport the Libraries and Lody the Private

Bitcoin: How to sign a message with privateKey on Bitcoin using TS/JS?


Then We Need to Importorport “Bitcoinjs-Lab” and Load Our Private Key:


Import * As bitco from “bitcoinjs-lib”;

Import * As ec From “Tomp256ch”;

constin Private nyit to Decand (./ rivate_etatate’);


sistp 3: create a message to Sign*

Create a message hyon to Sign. Let’s assume, for Exhamle, That We Have the NFT Contract Adtract Adtract Adsss and Recipiment’s:


constadddre wo 0 0 …’; A/ Replace the Contact Addresss

constist Renienterallsdres wo 0x …e; / Replace the Recipent’s Addssss


sistp 4: Sign a mesage

Now We Cancan Create the “Biticissage” Instance from or Private keyyy:


Const Bitcoinmesse X X REquoinjs-lib”). bitcoinmesage;

const Bitcoinmesage nyabitcoinumissage (inclusion.



Data: “Hello, World!”


Const Signature ngignature dignature Watcoin.sisiginge (Privatatey, vows scribe.

Addsss: Biticomumsage.andssct,,

Netoder: Bitcoinanckark. minconomy,



sistp 5: Bind the Private Key to the Endstes

Finally, we Need to Link Our Private key With the “Btcaddre News” and “Inftaddres” ed Points of Our Applications:


const Bitcoin | bebitcoinjs-lib”);

contest Ecc

/ Deffiine nn poins

constractenpointpoint X mindtps://hmaamlemle.coming;

constist Renienerendpoint X Xittps://HAHAMA.CO/Recipynt’;

/////createa key from addom a

constin Private nyit to Decand (./ rivate_etatate’);

/ Load Our Privane keyy

const Bitcoinprivatey s wait for Ecc.keyfroprivatate (Privatey);

/prena ney to the End Points

Async genonpoint (Privatate) Function

constist Contract s New Bitcoinmesse (Pritticus.


Data: “Hello, World!”


Const Signature ngignature dignature Watcoin.sisiginge (Privatatey, vows scribe.

Addsss: Biticomumsage.andssct,,

Netoder: Bitcoinanckark. minconomy,


return phontrac, Signature;

E E ee

Async Geitcondpocindpointpointpoint excNation (Privatatey)

/////createa key from addom a

constin Private nyit to Decand (./ rivate_etatate’);

const Bitcoinprivatey s wait for Ecc.keyfroprivatate (Privatey);

/ Load Our Privane keyy

const Bitcoin | bebitcoinjs-lib”);

// Line The Private one With the Enroct of the Contract

return a New Promise ((sephaatne, reject) AIDS

Genendpoint (Privatate) .Then ((Data) AIDS AIDS

resolve (Ame);

3………… catch ((errr) wo –phons.

reject (Error);



E E ee

Async Getrecipensendpointpoint function (Privatatey)

/////createa key from addom a

constin Private nyit to Decand (./ rivate_etatate’);

const Bitcoinprivatey s wait for Ecc.keyfroprivatate (Privatey);

/ Load Our Privane keyy

const Bitcoin | bebitcoinjs-lib”);

// Line The Privatement With the Recipent’s nD Point

return a New Promise ((sephaatne, reject) AIDS

Genendpoint (Privatate) .Then ((Data) AIDS AIDS

Respoy (Contract: Data.CO.CNOPTICE: Data.Signature is);



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