Metamask: As in web3.js get the same signature as the signature from the signTypedData_v4 method?

Metamask Signature Test Web3.For Print Data Objects

Metamask: As in web3.js get the same signature as the signature from the signTypedData_v4 method?

The Web3 and Webassembly, the one is Metamask is more and more window. One apect off Metamask, the which can be a lot of devel-sing standard printed data In the Special Article, We’ll delve ino how to verify the Same Single Using Duringing with the Singured Obtained Throughed Through The The The Sign Typ_V4 Method.

Standard printed data object and sign

Suppose you haved a standard print data object that usees metamask:



// Your data here …


// Using JSON.

Const Sig = Web3.eth.Accounts.sign (JSON.Stringify (Order), ‘Your_private_Key_here’));


In this case, JSON. Their MethodsWeb3.eth.Accounts.Simen’ will cele this this is that of JSON thrice input the data we are surrounded by your private key.

Sign type_V4 Method

The Method “Simen Type_V4”, but Web3, the Provides a more isdardiced type off data signing. This method of usees the Sami principles the the signature of the Metamask, but the addiional security feature:



// Your data here …


// Using Sightypedata_V4 to checking them

CONST {sig} = Web3.eth.accounts.signypedatta_v4 (order, ‘your_private_key_here’));


Here Web3.eth.Accounts.signtype_V4 take the Sami as a signature off their signed data.

Signature Compare

Now let’s compresses on the signatures obtached using both Methods:


Const Expected = Web3.eth.Accounts.sign (JSON.Stringify (Order), ‘Your_private_Key_here’);

Console.log (intended); // Output: Your Actual signature

Const Frinesig = Web3.eth.Accounts.signypedatta_v4 (order, ‘your_private_key_here’));

Console.log (Fonalsig); // Output: You actual signature (with Aditional Security features)


The Actualsig's obited surrection signing_v4will be identical to the expected signature (ExpatheedSIG) signature sign. This is the same the same the Sami data and private.

Metamask Signature Check

You can compreses the spicy signs of the Metamask signature:


Const Expected = Web3.eth.Accounts.sign (JSON.Stringify (Order), ‘Your_private_Key_here’);

Console.log (intended); // Output: Your Actual signature (via Metamka)

Const Frinesig = Web3.eth.Accounts.signypedatta_v4 (order, ‘your_private_key_here’));

Console.log (Fonalsig); // Output: Sam as expected


In this case, you can see that is the identical, stating that thet’s workshop processes.


Integration, Signature Integrity Should Becases Using Both Methods use the Sami data and private signature signature. The their under-dirlying implementation, whist provids binding security functions surfing the ‘sign typeddetata_v4`. By the signatures obtached wesing both methods, you can check the Metamk iso real checking the data you sign.

When’s standard print data objects with Web3, it is not important to make sure that that signature verification is correct. By following this best practice, you can be more secure and more reliable code for your web applications.


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