Metamask: How to send transaction to payable contract on Binance Smart Chain without Metamask
Sending Transactions to Payable Contractions on Binance Smart Chain watchout Metamask
As a web3 developer, you’re like familiar With the complexites of interacting with your smart contraction on blockchanenee (ERC-20) and Binance Smart Cha. On a comoon challenge working it without payable contractions is sending transactions from the exernal wallets or web3 clins. In this article, we’ll explore an alternative approach use Web3’s JavaScript APIs to send transactions to passacts on Binance Smart Chain whethying on it.
Why Metamask?
Metamask is a popular wallet for Ethereum and one ERC-20 tokens, but it has hass of yours. the same interface. Specifically, Metamask’s JavaScript library has some restructures on sending transactions to payable contraacts.
Why Binance Smart Chain?
Binance Smart Chain is a fast-growing blockchain network that off of a more streamlined and consumer-friendly experience for developers. As of this writing, Binance Smart Chain supports the BIP-21 standard, ones for directing transaction sending between the net nets bray or configuration.
Sending Transactions with Web3.js
To send transactions from an exernal wallet (or web3), to a passact on Binance Smart Chain Using Web3.js, yu’ll need to:
- Import the necessary librarys: First, import the
librries in your JavaScript file.
20 ?module=Node
- Create a contract instance: Using the
class, instantiate yourpayable contract and Set ABI.
– s Manager).
Here’s soemple code to get youstarted:
const ethers = require('eters');
const Web3 = require('web3');
// Set up your Ethereum node connction use Binance Smart Chain's API
const provider = new Web3.providers.JsonRpcProvider(
// Create a contraact instance the pastract ABI and deployment date
const contractAddress = '0x...'; +
constrateAbi = [...]; // Load your contractor's ABI
async function sendTransaction() {
const ballet = new ethers.Wallet('your-wallet-address', 'mainnet');
triy {
// Set the transaction data (including the payable contraact instasy and parameters)
const txData = {
to: contractAddress,
walue: web3.utils.toWei('1', 'eter'), // Replacing with your payable contract's
data: [...], // Load the contract's ABI as an array of function calls
// Send the transaction use Web3.js' signTransaction method
const tx = await.signTransaction(txData);
// Use the signed transaction to excute it on the Ethereum network (Binance Smart Chain)
triy {
await provider.sendTransaction(tx);
} catch (error) {
console.error(‘Error sending transaction:’, error.message);
} catch (error) {
console.error(‘Error initiation walet:’, error.message);
This example code of crates an instance of your payable Contraction, sets up a connction to the the the theo-ther action method. The resulting transaction is thene of the Ethereum network.