Solana: How to trigger a wallet connect from onClick with solana-web3.js or @solana/wallet-adapter-react

Here is an article on how to trigger a connection portfolio from onclick" withSolana-web3.jsor @ solana / wallet-adapter react:

Debusing the Connection Portfolio from OnClick in Solana Web3.js and React

When Creating An Application Based on Solana with React, It is of Necessary to Carry Out Actions on An Element When It has clicked. However, the use of “usefect” hooks can be heavy if you need to perform a complex logic or manage several clicks. In this article, we will explore how to trigger the connection portfolio from OnClick in Solana-Web3.jsandSolana / Wallet-Adapter react.


Before Diving Into The Solution, Make Sure You Have:

  • A Project Based in Solana Set Up With React.

  • The Solana-Web3 Library.

  • A portfolio connected to your solana node (for example, via a browser extension or an office application).

use or usewallet () And Onclick 'in React

Solana: How to trigger a wallet connect from onClick with solana-web3.js or @solana/wallet-adapter-react

In Your React Component, use the usewallet () hook to obtain the user's public key:


Import {publickey} or 'Solana-Web3';

Const mycomponent = () => {

Const {publickey, Send transaction} = usewallet ();

Const handlewalletConnect = () => {

// Trigger The Portfolio Connect the Logic Here

console.log ('connected wallet!');


Back (

{ / Your component code here /}



In this example, the “handlewalletconnect” function will be called when the user clicks on the “connect the wallet” button.

Disconnecting the Connection Portfolio from OnClick with useeffectin Solana Web3.js

If you need to make a more complex Logic or Manage Several clicks, the use of "useeffect" can help you. Here is an Example:


Import {publickey} or 'Solana-Web3';

Const mycomponent = () => {

Const [Connected, SetConned] = React.usestate (False);

Useeffect (() => {

if (publickey) {

// Trigger The Portfolio Connect the Logic Here

console.log ('connected wallet!');

Setcerneed (True);

} Other {

HandlewalletConnect ();


}, [publickey]);

Const handlewalletConnect = () => {

// Wallet Connect the Logic Here

console.log ('connected wallet!');


Back (

{ / Your component code here /}



In this example, we use useffecct” to check if the public key is defined before triggering the logic of the portfolio connection. If it is not defined, we callhandlewalletconnect () ‘.

use or@ Solana / Wallet-Adapter react

If you use@ solana / wallet-adapter react, you can also trigger wallet connect from onclick:


Import {publickey} from '@ solana / web3.js';

Import wallet adapter react from "@ solana / wallet-adapter-rect";

Const mycomponent = () => {

Const wallet = new wallet adapter react ();

Const handlewalletconnect = async () => {{

// Trigger The Portfolio Connect the Logic Here

console.log ('connected wallet!');


Back (

{ / Your component code here /}



In This Example, we create a new instance `wallet adapter react ‘and use its event’ onconnect ‘to manage the logic of the portfolio of the wallet when the user clicks on the” connect wallet “button.

I hope this will help you trigger wallet connect from “OnClick” in your react application based on solana!

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