Ethereum: ECDSA r, s encoding as a signature

Ethereum: ECDSA R and s coded as signatures

Electronic transaction (ECC) are tychroxy currency, which is used by the algorithm of the cytro signatures (ECDSA) for the creation of non -peculiar and partial signatures. In this state, we dissatisfied as the components of R and s from the subscribed ECDSA.

general presentation ecdsa and striped signature

When you are signed with the ECDSA using two key components: and to. These values ​​are used for the signatures and are the part of the elliptic kriva. In this state, we will be subject to "extending and signatures of ECDSA".

How to Fold R I S

Ethereum: ECDSA r, s encoding as a signature

Processe Favoriating

  • This is a dijesto, which covers the signature.

  • Breaking pishchiya : lower the breaking into two parts: the first part will be used for the existence and for, in the case of the second part of the broochane.

  • To keep these values, you should take the first two bytes (or four bytes) from the first half -shedding.

Primer code

To distribute the process, dissatate the primer in the attachment:

Pragma Polidy ^0.8,0;

Signature of the Countering {

// … other functions …

Function Sign (String Memory Sigstr) Public Return (Bytes32 R, Bytes32 s) {

// Entry Signature Hasha with Help –

Bytes32 digest = Keccak256 (abi.encodepacked (sigstr));

// Delit Pishchiya on two half

Uint160 firstthalf = uint160 (Digest);

UINT160 Secondhalf = Uint160 (DJst) | 0x8 billion;


Bytes32 r;

Bytes32 C;

Uint8 I, j;

For (I = 1; I

J = I + 2;

R = Keccak256 (abi.encodepacked ((first time and 0x7ffff) << (J - 1), (secondhalf >> 64) | ((j – 2) * 6536));


for (I = 1; I

J = I + 2;

S = Keccak256 (abi.encodepacked ((First Time and 0x7FFFFF) << (J - 1), ((secondhallf> 64) | ((j – 2) * 6536)));


Avurarat (R, S);




In this primer function “sign” enters the composition, signature in the quality of the records, and the values ​​r and S. The function of the end of the entrance signal with the chalk, and the dolitz. Again, he codes for the ECDSA values ​​in the couple by byte cardine, using the hash -ike-256 function.


In this state, we have examined, as the components were fired and the ECDSA in Ethereum. Ponic process of hashovyaniyiya, delyas and coding ECDSAs as pairs of byte carte, now you can write your own functions that sign it with the signs.

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