Solana: Sending SOL in Python with Solders from a JSON file

Here is the article on how to send the sun from Json File Wesing the Solders Library and Python:

Submitting Sol from a JSON file with welds

In this article, we will explore how to weld in Python welds to transfer all sun from different walls located in a .json fillet to a single WALET destination.

Pre -Requisites

Before WES, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3.6+

  • Solders Library (Pip installed welds')

  • A Files Name of Walet JsonWallets.json

Decrease the JSON file structure


There is a Phille Walet Json must be structured as follows:




"Ddequency": "0x ...."

"Balance": 1000,

"Tag": "Test"



"Ddequency": "0x ...."

"Balance": 500,

"Tag": "Another test"




In this example, tired wrets with the addition of0x …and balances 1000 and 500, respectively. Thetag property is not used to identify the wall.

Solana: Sending SOL in Python with Solders from a JSON file

Python Function

Here is a python function that from transfers all sun from different walls to a single destination wallet:


Import of solids

DEF Transfer_Sols (wallets, destination_addrress):

"" "

Transfers all sun to different wallets to a single destination wall.


Walllets (List): List the wall dictionaries

Destination_Address (STR): destination destination.



"" "

Create a welding customer

Customer = Solid.SoldsClient ()

Free load waletts

wings_data = {}

with Open ('Json', 'R') as F:

for in f.readlines ():

wing_data = json.loads (line)

If Walet_Data ['Adddress'] = = destination_address:

wings_data [destination_address] = wallet_data

Transfer Sol Aggansnse Wreck to the destination addresses

For Walet in Walts_Data.valuate ():


Free load waletts

with Open ('Json', 'R') as F:

Wings = json.loads (f.readlines ())

Send Sol to a single destination wallet

destination_addrress = '0x ...'

Transfer_Soles (wallets, destination_address)

Print ("Sun Transfered Successful!")



In this, we cannot be customers and loads of theWallets.json file in memory. We are the wallet of the list on the walls, checking your destination.


Let’s say you have WAILTS toy with address 0x ... and 0x .... You want to travel all the sun to a single destination wall 0x ....

Listening to List a Woeld Create for Dictionary Waves, carry them in the surviving memory of the Transfer_Sols' function:


Wings =


"Ddequency": "0x ...."

"Balance": 1000,

"Tag": "Test"



"Ddequency": "0x ...."

"Balance": 500,

"Tag": "Another test"



destination_addrress = '0x ...'

Transfer_Soles (wallets, destination_address)


That way, transfer all sun from them to them destination attachments0x …`.

The intelligence has been realized that is the fillet JSON is already a stairs and is available. If you need to deliver a large number of complex Walets or Walet data, you can be a more efficient data structure or cache mechanism.


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