Ethereum: Passing data from within a class into def

Ethereum Websocket Data Data Problem: data loading from Class A Def

When using the “” file, one of the errors you can meet is related to the delivery of data between classes and functionality in Python. In this article, we will take care of how to solve the problem of sending data using the binance bees via websocket.


Suppose you have a class called “Myclass” with methods that process websocket connections and send/receive data. When they are called these methods from other classes or functionality, it is possible to find an error relating to the transmission variables between them. This can be caused by the way Python manages the arguments of the characteristics.


To solve this problem, it is necessary to provide variables as keyword topics when called “Myclass” methods. In this way you can change the code:


It matters the website

from binance.client import client

Myclass class:

Def __init __ (self):

self.data_to_send = none

Async Def Handle_Connection (Self, Websocket):

Upload the data to be sent here as a topic of keywords

Self.Data_to_Send = “Hello from Myclass!”

Async Defle_data_received (self, data):

PRINT (F “received: {Data}”)

Async Def Main ():

Client = client ()

Async with websocket

My_class = Myclass ()

Create a Myclass instance

Expect my_class.handle_connection (websocket)

While it is true:

Data = Abveat Websocket.Recv ()

my_class.handle_data_received (data)

Upload the data to be sent here

If __name__ == “__Main__”:

Principal ()



In a modified code, we create an application for "Myclass in the” main function () is calling its methods directly. When trying to pass the variables between classes or functions without using keyword topics, Python raises Typeeerror. Delivering variables as keyword topics (Self

The best procedures:

Ethereum: Passing data from within a class into def

To avoid potential problems with the variable transition, take into consideration the use of functional and class methods instead of attributes of an application. For example::


Async Def My_Method (self -(self):

Self.Send_data (“Hello from Myclass”)

Def Main ():

Client = client ()

Async with websocket

Expect My_Method (Websocket)

Load Websocket Method


My_class = Myclass ()

Create a Myclass instance

Then call the Hander_Connection Metors directly and handler methods


According to these steps, you should be able to solve the problem of delivering class ADef ‘data when using websockets with the Binanne API interface.

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