Ethereum: Running a command line bitcoin CPU miner on ubuntu for slush’s pool
Ethereum: Start of the Bitcoin CPUR Rudar command on Ubuntu for the Lisho pool
As a beginner in the world of cryptocurrency mining, it is essential to understand how to set and manage the command line of the Bitcoin Rudar CPU on your Ubuntu system. In this article, we will pass through the process of installation and configuration of the Etherum for the auditory pool.
Why Ethereum?
Ethereum is an alternative blockchain platform that allows miners to confirm transactions and create new blocks without the need to use the basic Bitcoin network. By launching Ethereum of mining equipment on your Ubuntu system, Ethereums can be made using access to a control line. This setting provides a more effective way to process transactions than traditional Bitcoin excavation methods.
Hardware conditions
To start a mines control line on Ubuntu, you will need:
- Compatible CPU (Intel Core i5 or AMD Equivalent)
- Quite RAM -A (at least 8 GB)
- Reliable Internet connection
- Bitcoin wallet software and a swimming pool account
Installation of software
- Update the list of packages : Start the following command to make sure you have the most recent packages installed:
- The installation software required : You will have to install the following packages:
* GIT 'for interaction with Blockchain Ethereum data
*Build-Esenicica ‘for the assembly and launch of a miner
* Git-Bash
for the Shell Bash in your Ubuntu system
- Install the Slich Baul software: Download the latest version of the Slush’s Pool software from the official website:
WGET -1.9.2.tar.gz
Tell the archive and start the next command to install the software:
TAR -XVF Ethpool -Seftware -1.9.2.Tar.gz && Cd Ethpool -Software -1.9.2 & & && ./configure &&mke
Configure the hearing pool
- Create a new user for your miner : Start the following command to create a new user with licenses to start a miner:
Judge adduser rudar
- Set your Ethereum
portfolio: Connect your Bitcoin wallet to your Ubuntu system using software such as Electr or Myetherwallet.
- Configure the mud pool settings :
Create a file called Pool.Conf
in the main directory of your Ubuntu system with the following content:
user = miner
Password =
with a password that you mentioned for your Ethereum portfolio.
Configure Rudar
- Edit
: Create a new file called ‘Minerals.jsonin the same directory of the
baon.conf’ file:
Numcpus = 1
Minsofficulty = 10
- Add your Ethereum portfolio to Rudar : Start the following command to add your Ethereum portfolio to a configuration of the miner:
./Miner-ADDWALLET = <-Wallet-File>
Replace the path <-wallet-File>
for the Bitcoin portfolio file.
Start miner
- Perform Rudar : Start the next command to start a miner in the background:
Soud ./miner &
Follow and optimize performance
To monitor the performance of miners, it is possible to use tools such as mpstat
. You may also want to adapt Numcpus,
Mutdiculty and other configuration settings based on the hardware capacity of the system.
In conclusion, the launch of the Rudar Ethereum CPU on the command line on Ubuntu for the rod pool provides a flexible and effective way to derive Ethereum without breaking the bank. Following these steps, you will be able to set reliable and scalable mining surgery that meets your needs. Good mining!